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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

Why You Should Seek Help From Pilonial Surgeons

The pilonidal surgeon is a general surgeon with extensive experience treating pilonidal disease. Because of this experience, the pilonidal surgeon gains unique skills in treating the disease. Primarily, this skill set includes curative surgical removal. The so-called cleft-lift procedure is a highly successful such operation. With it, wounds heal fast. Pilonidal disease rarely returns. The…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

Seek help from a pilonidal surgeon if you experience these symptoms

The pilonidal cyst symptoms are multiple and come in different combinations. In the acute form, pilonidal disease presents with the symptoms of an abscess in or around the buttock crease. These include skin redness, swelling, warmth, and pain. The pain may be throbbing, burning, sharp, or dull. In severe cases, fever and chills may be…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

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