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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

Red Flags That Your Prospective Surgeon is not a Pilonidal Surgeon

Your prospective surgeon has made it onto an online list of cleft-lifters. He or she markets pilonidal excisions on their professional website. Unfortunately, these types of things do not guarantee that your surgeon is the pilonidal specialist that you need. Here are some red flags to look out for..1. The surgeon claims to have done…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

So You Found a Pilonidal Specialist but He is Not in Your Plan?

Patients are generally unclear about the forces that drive a physician to non-participation with major insurance plans.  The most simple explanation is an economic one.  For many solo and small group physician practices, the reimbursement rates offered for services and surgeries are prohibitively low.  Surprisingly, an unfair playing field exists with this.  As an example,…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

The Origin And Problems With The “Open Wound” Approach, From The Perspective Of A Pilonidal Specialist

For decades, surgeons have struggled with the handling of the wound following pilonidal cyst removal. Early on, the most perfect-appearing midline closures would invariably fail. Some surgical schools theorized that tension was the problem, and devised elaborate skin rearrangements (flaps) to offset this. Others tried skin grafts from the thigh with minimal success. One wound…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

To Drain Or Not To Drain: That Is The Question For The Pilonidal Surgeon

At PTCNJ, the drain used in the cleft-lift procedure is called a Blake drain. It is a closed-suction device used to evacuate clear fluid called serum, which tends to be produced under a closed surgical wound. The drain is made of soft flexible plastic-like material. It consists of a thin tube, part underneath the skin…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

Besides The Cleft-lift, What Other Treatments Might A Pilonidal Specialist Offer?

At the most conservative end of the treatments spectrum, a nonsurgical depilatory technique, i.e. hair removal, may be used. This may be application of a topical agent (e.g. Nair), shaving, or waxing.  Laser ablation is also an option but has limitations and setbacks. We add to this nonsurgical approach lifestyle modifications, the most important of…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

Does My Child Need A Pilonidal Specialist?

Some pediatric patients develop pilonidal disease. With few exceptions, it remains mild throughout the adolescent years. It is manageable with lifestyle modification and medication alone. If surgical procedures are required, they are smaller procedures such as abscess drainage and pit-picking. At Pilonidal Treatment Center of New Jersey, patients 16 and under who present with pilonidal…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

Is My Surgeon Really A True Pilonidal Surgeon?

The question to ask of any prospective surgeon offering to treat your pilonidal disease is definitely not “How many pilonidal surgeries have you performed?”  The answer is often inflated. The more revealing question to ask is “What percentage of your practice does pilonidal disease comprise?” The answer must be >75%, or you have not found…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

You need a referral to a pilonidal specialist? But that’s surgery 101! –Not!!

Not a response you should ever hear from your primary medical doctor. Sadly, the story is a true one. This is the reponse that a caring parent received when she reached out to her PMD regarding her son’s newly diagnosed pilonidal sinus. The story comes from a skilled pilonidal specialist who spent much of his…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

How Does One Come To Specialize As A Pilonidal Surgeon?

The question is a good one. The majority of pilonidal surgeons in the US have completed a 5 year general surgery residency. Some have gone on to perform colorectal surgery, pediatric surgery, and plastic surgery fellowships. These fellowships are generally 2 years in duration. No pilonidal fellowship currently exists in the Western world. Regardless of…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

Pilonidal Cysts Explained By Pilonidal Surgeons

Pilonidal cysts are not well understood, even by many surgeons treating them! As we will explain, this lack of understanding contributes to some of the surgical mismanagement that we see. It is thus important for us to define exactly what human tissue comprises a pilonidal cyst, and its mechanism of formation. By extension, we will…
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