Our Blog

How To Sit After Pilonidal Cyst Surgery

Following all of our pilonidal cyst surgeries, we encourage sitting starting the first day after surgery.  We recommend patients sit on a soft but supportive surface, exemplified by a quality office chair.  Specifically regarding our cleft-lift procedure, this does not affect healing in a detrimental way;  on the contrary, it augments healing by faciliitating the…
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How Long After Pilonidal Cyst Surgery Can You Exercise?

Following our gluteal cleft-lift procedure, we encourage walking as soon as the first day after surgery.  We prohibit heavy lifting (>20 pounds), strenuous bending, and squatting for the first 3 weeks following surgery.  As the wound heals, beginning in week 4 and continuing to week 6, we gradually lift all restrictions .  At 6 weeks,…
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What To Wear After Pilonidal Cyst Surgery: Clothing Dos And Don’t

Following our gluteal cleft-lift surgery, we recommend comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.   Typically, patients go with sweatpants for the first several weeks after surgery.  If the pants have a pocket, this can be convenient to hold the drain in an inconspicuous way until it is removed at the end of week one.  Jeans and similarly fitted pants…
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Pilonidal Cyst Surgery Dressing Change: What To Expect

Following both our gluteal cleft-lift and our minimally invasive MIPiT procedures, there is absorbent gauze lightly taped over the entire region.  This cover dressing is meant to be removed and discarded prior to your first shower the day after surgery.  Specifically regarding our cleft-lift, the fully closed incision is completely covered by thin glued strips…
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Does Pilonidal Cyst Surgery Leave A Scar?

The gluteal cleft-lift procedure leaves a curvilinear, lazy ‘S’ -shaped scar which extends from the top of one gluteus muscle to the bottom tip of the tailbone.  Particularly for males, because we do not recommend depilatory therapy (hair removal) of any kind, we actually encourage full hair growth to obscure the scar. Also, the majority…
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Is Pilonidal Cyst Surgery Painful?

The gluteal cleft-lift at PTCNJ is not painful!   Patients will almost universally agree that this curative surgery, although requiring a relatively long incision, brings less pain than a pilonidal abscess occurrence and certainly less pain than the emergency drainage of such an abscess.  How is this so?  There are 2 factors that explain this phenomenon.  One…
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Pilonidal Cyst Surgery Success Rate: Factors That Influence The Outcome

The gluteal cleft-lift procedure is a highly effective cure for tailbone-area pilonidal disease, with reported success rates of 95-100%.   According to several landmark reports, the lower the pilonidal disease, i.e. the closer the disease extends to the anus, the more challenging it is for the pilonidal surgeon to deliver this success.  This finding extends to…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

What You Need to Know About Pilonidal Cyst Surgery

A pilonidal cyst is a sac-like pocket beneath the skin that contains hair and debris. The term originates from the Latin words pilus (hair) and nidus (nest), reflecting its composition. These cysts most commonly develop at the bottom tip of the tailbone, in the upper buttock crease, an area known as the gluteal cleft. When…
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U.S. Pilonidal Specialists

Are you Suffering From Pilonidal Disease in the US? Fear Not, but Only Seek Help from one of the 4 US Specialists! As I have written in other blogposts, pilonidal care is best provided by a surgeon who has dedicated an entire practice to it, perhaps even opened a dedicated pilonidal Center, does the operations…
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The Data Mounts: 261 Cleft Lifts for Complex Pilonidal Disease and Excisional Failures

The Data Mounts: 261 Cleft Lifts for Complex Pilonidal Disease and Excisional Failures

Abstract Introduction: The Bascom cleft-lift procedure is a superior approach for treating pilonidal disease. The purpose of this study was to establish healing time after cleft-lift, operative success, and any associated clinical or operative variables. Methods: The study group comprises all patients who underwent cleft-lift procedures at our center between December 2021 and February 2023. Many…
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