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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

What You Need to Know About Pilonidal Cyst Surgery

A pilonidal cyst is a sac-like pocket beneath the skin that contains hair and debris. The term originates from the Latin words pilus (hair) and nidus (nest), reflecting its composition. These cysts most commonly develop at the bottom tip of the tailbone, in the upper buttock crease, an area known as the gluteal cleft. When…
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U.S. Pilonidal Specialists

Are you Suffering From Pilonidal Disease in the US? Fear Not, but Only Seek Help from one of the 4 US Specialists! As I have written in other blogposts, pilonidal care is best provided by a surgeon who has dedicated an entire practice to it, perhaps even opened a dedicated pilonidal Center, does the operations…
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The Data Mounts: 261 Cleft Lifts for Complex Pilonidal Disease and Excisional Failures

The Data Mounts: 261 Cleft Lifts for Complex Pilonidal Disease and Excisional Failures

Abstract Introduction: The Bascom cleft-lift procedure is a superior approach for treating pilonidal disease. The purpose of this study was to establish healing time after cleft-lift, operative success, and any associated clinical or operative variables. Methods: The study group comprises all patients who underwent cleft-lift procedures at our center between December 2021 and February 2023. Many…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

Sharp Dissection in the Cleft: Your Pilonidal Cyst Doctor Gets Technical

The skin of the intergluteal cleft is the most inhospitable region to heal a surgical wound. Moisture, bacteria, and friction each contribute. Any pilonidal cystectomy technique that leaves an incision in the unforgiving cleft is potentially morbid. Moreover, the cleft anatomy is the driving force in the disease, and because it is not modified in…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

My Pilonidal Cyst Doctor “Didn’t Believe in the Cleft-Lift”. The Story of Emma S.

Emma S. came to PTCNJ with a typical failed pilonidal cystectomy story. She had struggled with pilonidal disease for 12 years, and had finally found a local surgeon to perform a pilonidal cystectomy. It was to be a full removal of the “cyst”, and a midline closure. When in her preoperative meeting, the well-informed Emma…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

Your NYC Pilonidal Cyst Doctor Weighs In On Emergency Cleft-lift Procedures

Patients with an acute pilonidal abscess need emergency drainage, this is standard. In the preoperative holding area, one of the common questions asked of the surgeon by the patient is “Can’t you just remove the whole cyst now, rather than just lancing it?” It might surprise many that the answer is sometimes yes! A proper…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

Your NYC Pilonidal Specialist Weighs in on the Term “Cyst”

In pilonidal disease, the term cyst is somewhat misleading. It suggests that an outer lining or “sac” exists, which it does not. In pilonidal pathology, we may see an impressive tuft of hair embedded under the skin, but no sac containing it. This contrasts with other true cysts that develop in the human body, such…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

Should I Go to New York City for Pilonidal Surgery?

The answer is a resounding yes. Traveling to a superspecialist for your pilonidal surgery is highly beneficial and likely critical to your outcome. PTCNJ is the only dedicated pilonidal center in the New York City metropolitan area and one of only 2 such Centers on the East Coast. As such, it offers the services of…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

Red Flags That Your Prospective Surgeon is not a Pilonidal Surgeon

Your prospective surgeon has made it onto an online list of cleft-lifters. He or she markets pilonidal excisions on their professional website. Unfortunately, these types of things do not guarantee that your surgeon is the pilonidal specialist that you need. Here are some red flags to look out for..1. The surgeon claims to have done…
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Pilonidal treatment center of NJ.

So You Found a Pilonidal Specialist but He is Not in Your Plan?

Patients are generally unclear about the forces that drive a physician to non-participation with major insurance plans.  The most simple explanation is an economic one.  For many solo and small group physician practices, the reimbursement rates offered for services and surgeries are prohibitively low.  Surprisingly, an unfair playing field exists with this.  As an example,…
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